Embedded Databases Everywhere: Top 3 IoT Use Cases

The rise of edge computing is fueling demand for embedded devices for Internet of Things (IoT). IoT describes physical objects with sensors, processing ability, software and other technologies that connect and exchange data with other devices and systems over the Internet or other communications networks. Diverse technologies such as real-time data analytics, machine learning, and automation tie in with IoT to provide insights across various edge to cloud use cases. 

It is not surprising that embedded databases are widely used for IoT given its explosive growth. International Data Corporation (IDC) estimates there will be 55.7 billion connected IoT devices (or “things”) by 2025, generating almost 80B zettabytes (ZB) of data. 

Our research reveals the top six use cases for embedded databases for IoT. Here, we will discuss the first 3: manufacturing, mobile and isolated environments, and medical devices. You can read our Embedded Databases Use Cases Solution Brief if you would like to learn more about the other three use cases.  


In fiercely competitive global markets, IoT-enabled manufacturers can get better visibility into their assets, processes, resources, and products. For example, connected machines used in smart manufacturing at factories help streamline operations, optimize productivity, and improve return on investment. Warehouse and inventory management can leverage real-time data analytics to source missing production inputs from an alternative supplier or to resolve a transportation bottleneck by using another shipper. Predictive maintenance using IoT can help identify and resolve potential problems with production-line equipment before they happen and spot bottlenecks and quality assurance issues faster.  

Mobile/Isolated Environments 

IoT is driving the shift towards connected logistics, infrastructure, transportation, and other mobile/isolated use cases. In logistics, businesses use edge computing for route optimization and tracking vehicles and shipping containers. Gas and oil companies take advantage of IoT to monitor remote infrastructure such as pipelines and offshore rigs. In the transportation industry, aviation and automotive companies use IoT to improve the passenger experience and to improve safety and maintenance.  

Medical Devices 

Healthcare is one of the industries that will benefit the most from IoT, given its direct connection with improving lives. IoT is recognized as one of the most promising technological advancements in healthcare analytics. Medical IoT devices are simultaneously improving patient outcomes and providers’ return on investment. The processing of medical images and laboratory equipment maintenance are particularly important use cases. Data from MRIs, CTs, ultrasounds, X-Rays, and other imaging machines help medical experts diagnose diseases at earlier stages and provide faster and more accurate results. Edge analytics enables predictive maintenance of laboratory equipment to reduce maintenance costs, but more importantly, to help prevent the failure of critical equipment that is often in short supply.  

What is possible today with IoT in healthcare was inconceivable a decade ago: tracking medications, their temperature, and safe transportation at any point in time. 

Learn More 

Read our solution brief for more information on additional embedded database for IoT use cases as well as Actian’s Edge to Cloud capabilities for these. 

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Author: Teresa Wingfield