How to solve the marketing reporting conundrum without being a magician

In a recent survey shared at SMX, C-Suite executives report sales and leads as top performance indicators for marketing teams.

If sales and leads are what our leadership teams, whether internally or externally, care most about, what does this mean for PPC marketers?

Such preferences can lead to a level of expectation that marketers are going to create a magic sales faucet, a fountain of fortune, or that there’s a secret Google leads button hidden in our toolbox somewhere.

And hey, PPC marketers can help make some pretty magical things happen, but we’re definitely not magicians, at least not in the Gandalf the Grey or Albus Dumbledore kind of way.

There can also be a limiting belief that there is no value in marketing components and efforts that don’t have a direct correlation to exact dollars, and by some sort of wizardry, it’s somewhat expected a visitor will just magically appear on a business’s website and then (poof) become a customer.

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