The Key Factor in Marketing to Hispanics This Holiday Season

With more than $1.5T buying power on the line, brands must understand what matters most to the Hispanic and Latinx community

A look at Americans of Hispanic origins, three-fourths (77%) of surveyed Hispanic adults in the U.S. stated strong familiarity with their origins and 71% stated that they felt a “strong connection” to their roots—nearly double that of white adults surveyed from Pew Research

The data comes as no shock to those of us who are either part of, or at the very least familiar with the Latinx communities in the U.S. As Cynthia Correa says “Our roots cross every element of our lives, from our tastes in food and music, to the sports we love, the hobbies we enjoy and the holidays we celebrate with loved ones. It’s a core part of our identity, a sentiment I’ve long known but Pew has given us the data to back it up.

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