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Data Professional Introspective: The Data Management Education Program (Part 2)
In my work with the EDM Council’s Data Management Capability Assessment Model (DCAM) 3.0 development group, we are adding a capability that has remained under the radar in our industry, that is, the responsibility of the Data Management Program to determine concept and knowledge gaps within its staff resources. The organization should then plan, organize, […]

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Author: Melanie Mecca

Eyes on Data: Improving ESG Reporting with Established Industry Standards
In today’s rapidly evolving corporate landscape, environmental, social, and governance (ESG) reporting has become a focal point for organizations aiming to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability and responsible business practices and comply with a growing roster of regulations. As companies navigate the complexities of ESG reporting, they increasingly seek guidance on how to effectively manage […]

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Author: EDM Council

Data Professional Introspective: Conducting a DCAM Assessment
My company led a Data Management Assessment for a government agency this spring, using the Data Management Capability Assessment Model (DCAM), and delivered the final report at the end of May. In my last column comparing the DCAM to the DMM, I said that I’d share my observations with you so that you can get […]

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Author: Melanie Mecca