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Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Customer Master Data

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is reshaping customer interactions, but organizations must balance AI solutions with human touchpoints to address concerns over faceless service and maintain customer loyalty. While AI enhances efficiency and personalization, human interactions remain vital for exceptional customer experiences. Organizations should view AI as an augmentation tool that empowers human agents rather than replacing them entirely.

Human-centered AI design supports and amplifies human capabilities in customer service, helping customers feel valued. AI can automate routine tasks, freeing human agents to handle complex issues requiring empathy and problem-solving skills. It can provide personalized recommendations during online shopping, with human agents available via live chat for assistance.

Despite AI’s potential, customers still prefer human interactions, especially for complex issues or high-stakes situations. Studies suggest that 77% of customers say a positive experience includes a "human touch," and 70% prefer human interactions over chatbots for customer service. Human agents play a vital role in building relationships, addressing nuanced concerns, and offering empathy that AI currently lacks.

A balanced approach combining AI and human interactions can significantly enhance customer loyalty and satisfaction. Personalized, AI-driven experiences can improve engagement and reduce churn, while human agents handle complex issues, post-sale feedback, and relationship-building to increase customer lifetime value.

Certain situations particularly benefit from human interaction, such as resolving intricate issues, providing emotional support, guiding significant financial decisions, offering tailored advice, and resolving conflicts. These scenarios often require elevated empathy and emotional intelligence that AI cannot fully replicate.

To adapt to future trends, organizations must rethink their approach to customer data management, focusing on building trust, ensuring data security, and adhering to regulations. Solutions like Pretectum CMDM (Customer Master Data Management) offer centralized customer master data management that incorporates data quality, provides an intuitive user experience, and embraces cloud technology, AI, and machine learning algorithms as required.

Key aspects of a future-ready CMDM strategy include data minimalism, transparency and trust, data security, and consumer data protection and privacy. By leveraging technological solutions like Pretectum CMDM, organizations can overcome the hurdles posed by the complex nature of master data and gain an advantage over competitors.

In conclusion, while organizations are being pushed toward AI adoption, they must adopt a human-centered AI design that leverages AI’s capabilities while preserving human touchpoints for exceptional customer experiences. Balancing this approach can address concerns over losing personal connections and drive customer loyalty through personalized, responsive, yet empathetic service. Adapting to future trends in customer interactions and data management through solutions like Pretectum CMDM will be crucial for delivering resonant and enduring customer experiences.


Ask a Data Ethicist: When Is It OK to Use “Fake” Data?

It’s easier than ever to use AI-generated images or text and to create synthetic data for use in research. A recent high-profile story got me thinking more about this question: When is it OK to use “fake” data? Before we dive into this, I’m putting “fake” in quotes because I’m taking a wide perspective on […]

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Author: Katrina Ingram

Data Sprawl: Continuing Problem for the Enterprise or an Untapped Opportunity?

Data sprawl has emerged as a significant challenge for enterprises, characterized by the proliferation of data across multiple systems, locations, and applications. This widespread dispersion complicates efforts to manage, integrate, and extract value from data. However, the rise of data fabric and the integration of Platform-as-a-Service (iPaaS) technologies offers a promising solution to these challenges […]

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Author: Kaycee Lai

Mind the Gap: The Product in Data Product Is Reliability

Welcome to the latest edition of Mind the Gap, a monthly column exploring practical approaches for improving data understanding and data utilization (and whatever else seems interesting enough to share). Last month, we explored analytics architecture stuck in the 1990s. This month, we’ll look at the rise of the data product. It wasn’t so long ago […]

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Author: Mark Cooper

Automating Cloud Infrastructure Provisioning and Management: Analyzing the Role of Automation

In today’s digital era, cloud infrastructure has become the backbone of many organizations, providing the necessary resources to support diverse applications and services. The increasing complexity and scale of cloud environments have necessitated the adoption of automation to manage infrastructure efficiently. This article explores the pivotal role of automation in provisioning and managing cloud infrastructure, […]

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Author: Syed Mohamed Thameem Nizamudeen

Will AI Take Data Analyst Jobs?

The rise of artificial intelligence (AI) has sparked a heated debate about the future of jobs across various industries. Data analysts, in particular, find themselves at the heart of this conversation. Will AI render human data analysts obsolete?

Contrary to the doomsayers’ predictions, the future is not bleak for data analysts. In fact, AI will empower data analysts to thrive, enhancing their ability to provide more insightful and impactful business decisions. Let’s explore how AI, and specifically large language models (LLMs), can work in tandem with data analysts to unlock new levels of value in data and analytics.

The Role of Data Analysts: More Than Number Crunching

First, it’s essential to understand that the role of a data analyst extends far beyond mere number crunching. Data analysts are storytellers, translating complex data into actionable insights that all decision makers can easily understand. They possess the critical thinking skills to ask the right questions, interpret results within the context of business objectives, and communicate findings effectively to stakeholders. While AI excels at processing vast amounts of data and identifying patterns, it lacks the nuanced understanding of business context and the ability to interpret data that are essential capabilities unique to human analysts.

AI as an Empowering Tool, Not a Replacement

Automating Routine Tasks

AI can automate many routine and repetitive tasks that occupy a significant portion of a data analyst’s time. Data cleaning, integration, and basic statistical analysis can be streamlined using AI, freeing analysts to focus on more complex and value-added activities. For example, AI-powered tools can quickly identify and correct data inconsistencies, handle missing values, and perform preliminary data exploration. This automation increases efficiency and allows analysts to delve deeper into data interpretation and strategic analysis.

Enhancing Analytical Capabilities

AI and machine learning algorithms can augment the analytical capabilities of data analysts. These technologies can uncover hidden patterns, detect anomalies, and predict future trends with greater accuracy and speed than legacy approaches. Analysts can use these advanced insights as a foundation for their analysis, adding their expertise and business acumen to provide context and relevance. For instance, AI can identify a subtle trend in customer behavior, which an analyst can then explore further to understand underlying causes and implications for marketing strategies.

Democratizing Data Insights

Large language models (LLMs), such as GPT-4, can democratize access to data insights by enabling non-technical stakeholders to interact with data in natural language. LLMs can interpret complex queries and generate understandable explanations very quickly, making data insights more accessible to everyone within an organization. This capability enhances collaboration between data analysts and business teams, fostering a data-driven culture where decisions are informed by insights derived from both human and AI analysis.

How LLMs Can Be Used in Data and Analytics Processes

Natural Language Processing (NLP) for Data Querying

LLMs can simplify data querying through natural language processing (NLP). Instead of writing complex SQL queries, analysts and business users can ask questions in plain English. For example, a user might ask, “What were our top-selling products last quarter?” and the LLM can translate this query into the necessary database commands and retrieve the relevant data. This capability lowers the barrier to entry for data analysis, making it more accessible and efficient.

Automated Report Generation

LLMs can assist in generating reports by summarizing key insights from data and creating narratives around them. Analysts can use these auto generated reports as a starting point, refining and adding their insights to produce comprehensive and insightful business reports. This collaboration between AI and analysts ensures that reports are both data-rich and contextually relevant.

Enhanced Data Visualization

LLMs can enhance data visualization by interpreting data and providing textual explanations. For instance, when presenting a complex graph or chart, the LLM can generate accompanying text that explains the key takeaways and trends in the data. This feature helps bridge the gap between data visualization and interpretation, making it easier for stakeholders to understand and act on the insights.

The Human Element: Context, Ethics, and Interpretation

Despite the advancements in AI, the human element remains irreplaceable in data analysis. Analysts bring context, ethical considerations, and nuanced interpretation to the table. They understand the business environment, can ask probing questions, and can foresee the potential impact of data-driven decisions on various areas of the business. Moreover, analysts are crucial in ensuring that data usage adheres to ethical standards and regulatory requirements, areas where AI still has limitations.

Contextual Understanding

AI might identify a correlation, but it takes a human analyst to understand whether the correlation is meaningful and relevant to the business. Analysts can discern whether a trend is due to a seasonal pattern, a market anomaly, or a fundamental change in consumer behavior, providing depth to the analysis that AI alone cannot achieve.

Ethical Oversight

AI systems can inadvertently perpetuate biases present in the data they are trained on. Data analysts play a vital role in identifying and mitigating these biases, ensuring that the insights generated are fair and ethical. They can scrutinize AI-generated models and results, applying their judgment to avoid unintended consequences.

Strategic Decision-Making

Ultimately, data analysts are instrumental in strategic decision-making. They can synthesize insights from multiple data sources, apply their industry knowledge, and recommend actionable strategies. This strategic input is crucial for aligning data insights with business goals and driving impactful decisions.

The End Game: A Symbiotic Relationship

The future of data analysis is not a zero-sum game between AI and human analysts. Instead, it is a symbiotic relationship where each complements the other. AI, with its ability to process and analyze data at unprecedented scale, enhances the capabilities of data analysts. Analysts, with their contextual understanding, critical thinking, and ethical oversight, ensure that AI-driven insights are relevant, accurate, and actionable.

By embracing AI as a tool rather than a threat, data analysts can unlock new levels of productivity and insight, driving smarter business decisions and better outcomes. In this collaborative future, data analysts will not only survive but thrive, leveraging AI to amplify their impact and solidify their role as indispensable assets in the data-driven business landscape.

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Author: Dee Radh

AI and Blockchain in CRM: Securing Customer Data with Advanced Technologies

It is crucial to stress the need to protect data in customer relationship management (CRM) systems because data breaches and cyber threats are becoming more sophisticated. The security measures are inadequate now; companies must constantly seek creative ways to address changing threats. One cannot stress how urgently improved security measures are required. Remarkably, blockchain technology […]

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Author: Arun Gupta

Artificial vs. Augmented Intelligence
Terms like artificial intelligence (AI) and augmented intelligence are often used interchangeably. However, they represent fundamentally different approaches to utilizing technology, especially when it comes to data governance. Understanding these differences is crucial for organizations looking to implement non-invasive and effective data governance frameworks. This article explores the distinctions between artificial intelligence and augmented intelligence, […]

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Author: Robert S. Seiner

Data Security in the Age of Cloud Computing
Once reliant on the limitations of physical hardware, businesses today have the ability to access and expand a virtual pool of cloud-based network services as needed. Before cloud computing services, business leaders would need to build their own data centers and servers to achieve the same level of operational capability, Now, as e-commerce continues to grow and digitalization […]

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Author: Ainsley Lawrence

Data Professional Introspective: The Data Management Education Program (Part 2)
In my work with the EDM Council’s Data Management Capability Assessment Model (DCAM) 3.0 development group, we are adding a capability that has remained under the radar in our industry, that is, the responsibility of the Data Management Program to determine concept and knowledge gaps within its staff resources. The organization should then plan, organize, […]

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Author: Melanie Mecca

The Book Look: AI Governance
Technics Publications has started publishing a line of Data-Driven AI books, and one of the first books in this series is “AI Governance” by Dr. Darryl J Carlton. The goal of the book in one sentence is to enable the reader to gain the knowledge and tools to effectively govern and oversee the use of […]

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Author: Steve Hoberman

Understanding Augmented Analytics and Its Evolution
Perhaps your business is considering an augmented analytics solution, or already has some version of business intelligence or analytics and wishes to upgrade or transition to a more beneficial solution. Maybe you just want to understand the analytics solution market better. This blog post will help you gather information about the topic of augmented analytics.   Technology […]

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Author: Kartik Patel

Data Crime: A Motorcycle Is Not a Honda Civic
I call it a “data crime” when someone is abusing or misusing data. When we understand these stories and their implications, it can help us learn from the mistakes and prevent future data crimes. The stories can also be helpful if you must explain the importance of data management to someone. The Story A man registered […]

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Author: Merrill Albert

9 Habits Of Effective Data Managers – Running A Data Team

Running a successful data team is hard. Data teams are expected to juggle a combination of ad-hoc requests, big bet projects, migrations, etc. All while keeping up with the latest changes in technology. In the past few years I have gotten to work with dozens of teams and see how various directors and managers deal…
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Streamlining the Chaos: Conquering Manufacturing With Data

The Complexity of Modern Manufacturing

Manufacturing today is far from the straightforward assembly lines of the past; it is chaos incarnate. Each stage in the manufacturing process comes with its own set of data points. Raw materials, production schedules, machine operations, quality control, and logistics all generate vast amounts of data, and managing this data effectively can be the difference between smooth operations and a breakdown in the process.

Data integration is a powerful way to conquer the chaos of modern manufacturing. It’s the process of combining data from diverse sources into a unified view, providing a holistic picture of the entire manufacturing process. This involves collecting data from various systems, such as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems, Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES), and Internet of Things (IoT) devices. When this data is integrated and analyzed cohesively, it can lead to significant improvements in efficiency, decision-making, and overall productivity.

The Power of a Unified Data Platform

A robust data platform is essential for effective data integration and should encompass analytics, data warehousing, and seamless integration capabilities. Let’s break down these components and see how they contribute to conquering the manufacturing chaos.

1. Analytics: Turning Data into Insights

Data without analysis is like raw material without a blueprint. Advanced analytics tools can sift through the vast amounts of data generated in manufacturing, identifying patterns and trends that might otherwise go unnoticed. Predictive analytics, for example, can forecast equipment failures before they happen, allowing for proactive maintenance and reducing downtime.

Analytics can also optimize production schedules by analyzing historical data and predicting future demand. This ensures that resources are allocated efficiently, minimizing waste and maximizing output. Additionally, quality control can be enhanced by analyzing data from different stages of the production process, identifying defects early, and implementing corrective measures.

2. Data Warehousing: A Central Repository

A data warehouse serves as a central repository where integrated data is stored. This centralized approach ensures that all relevant data is easily accessible, enabling comprehensive analysis and reporting. In manufacturing, a data warehouse can consolidate information from various departments, providing a single source of truth.

For instance, production data, inventory levels, and sales forecasts can be stored in the data warehouse. This unified view allows manufacturers to make informed decisions based on real-time data. If there’s a sudden spike in demand, the data warehouse can provide insights into inventory levels, production capacity, and lead times, enabling quick adjustments to meet the demand.

 3. Integration: Bridging the Gaps

Integration is the linchpin that holds everything together. It involves connecting various data sources and ensuring data flows seamlessly between them. In a manufacturing setting, integration can connect systems like ERP, MES, and Customer Relationship Management (CRM), creating a cohesive data ecosystem.

For example, integrating ERP and MES systems can provide a real-time view of production status, inventory levels, and order fulfillment. This integration eliminates data silos, ensuring that everyone in the organization has access to the same accurate information. It also streamlines workflows, as data doesn’t need to be manually transferred between systems, reducing the risk of errors and saving time.

Case Study: Aeriz

Aeriz is a national aeroponic cannabis brand that provides patients and enthusiasts with the purest tasting, burning, and feeling cultivated cannabis. They needed to be able to connect, manage, and analyze data from several systems, both on-premises and in the cloud, and access data that was not easy to gather from their primary tracking system.

By leveraging the Actian Data Platform, Aeriz was able to access data that wasn’t part of the canned reports provided by their third-party vendors. They were able to easily aggregate this data with Salesforce to improve inventory visibility and accelerate their order-to-cash timeline.

The result was an 80%-time savings of a full-time employee responsible for locating and aggregating data for business reporting. Aeriz can now focus resources on analyzing data to find improvements and efficiencies to accommodate rapid growth.

The Actian Data Platform for Manufacturing

Imagine having the ability to foresee equipment failures before they happen? Or being able to adjust production lines based on live demand forecasts? Enter the Actian Data Platform, a powerhouse designed to tackle the complexities of manufacturing data head-on. The Actian Data Platform transforms your raw data into actionable intelligence, empowering manufacturers to make smarter, faster decisions.

But it doesn’t stop there. The Actian Data Platform’s robust data warehousing capabilities ensure that all your critical data is centralized, accessible, and ready for deep analysis. Coupled with seamless integration features, this platform breaks down data silos and ensures a cohesive flow of information across all your systems. From the shop floor to the executive suite, everyone operates with the same up-to-date information, fostering collaboration and efficiency like never before. With Actian, chaos turns to clarity and complexity becomes a competitive advantage.

Embracing the Future of Manufacturing

Imagine analytics that predict the future, a data warehouse that’s your lone source of truth, and integration that connects it all seamlessly. This isn’t just about managing chaos—it’s about turning data into a well-choreographed dance of efficiency and productivity. By embracing the power of data, you can watch your manufacturing operations transform into a precision machine that’s ready to conquer any challenge!

The post Streamlining the Chaos: Conquering Manufacturing With Data appeared first on Actian.

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Author: Kasey Nolan

How to Regain Trust in Your Data: 5 Ways to Take the Fear Out of Data Management

“May you live in interesting times” is both a curse and a blessing. It’s a curse for those who fear what could go wrong, but it’s a blessing for those who look forward to changes with confidence. The same could be said of leveraging data.  To be in that latter group, organizations need to be […]

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Author: Angel Viña

Getting Started With Actian Zen and BtrievePython

Welcome to the world of Actian Zen, a versatile and powerful edge data management solution designed to help you build low-latency embedded apps. This is Part 1 of the quickstart blog series that focuses on helping embedded app developers get started with Actian Zen. In this blog, we’ll explore how to leverage BtrievePython to run Btrieve2 Python applications, using the Zen 16.0 Enterprise/Server Database Engine.

But before we dive in, let’s do a quick introduction.

What is Btrieve?

Actian Zen Btrieve interface is a high-performance, low-level, record-oriented database management system (DBMS) developed by Pervasive Software, now part of Actian Corporation. It provides efficient and reliable data storage and retrieval by focusing on record-level operations rather than complex queries. Btrieve is known for its speed, flexibility, and robustness, making it a popular choice for applications that require high-speed data access and transaction processing.

What is BtrievePython?

BtrievePython is a modern Python interface for interacting with Actian Zen databases. It allows developers to leverage the powerful features of Btrieve within Python applications, providing an easy-to-use and efficient way to manage Btrieve records. By integrating Btrieve with Python, BtrievePython enables developers to build high-performance, data-driven applications using Python’s extensive ecosystem and Btrieve’s reliable data-handling capabilities.

This comprehensive guide will walk you through the setup on both Microsoft Server 2019 and Ubuntu V20, ensuring you have all the tools you need for success.

Getting Started With Actian Zen

Actian Zen offers a range of data access solutions compatible with various operating systems, including Android, iOS, Linux, Raspbian, and Windows (including IoT and Nano Server). For this demonstration, we’ll focus on Microsoft Server 2019, though the process is similar across different platforms.

Before we dive into the setup, ensure you’ve downloaded and installed the Zen 16.0 Enterprise/Server Database Engine for Windows or Linux on Ubuntu. Detailed installation instructions can be found on Actian’s Academy channel.

Setting Up Your Environment

Installing Python and BtrievePython on Windows:

      • Download and Install Python: Visit Python’s official website and download the latest version (we’re using Python v3.12).
      • Open Command Prompt as Administrator: Ensure you have admin rights to proceed with the installation.
      • Install BtrievePython: Execute pip install btrievePython. Note that this step requires an installed ZEN 16.0 client or Engine. If the BtrievePython installation fails, ensure you have Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 or greater by downloading the Visual C++ Build Tools.
      • Verify Installation: Run pip list to check if BtrievePython is listed.
      • Run a Btrieve2 Python Sample: Download the sample program from the Actian documentation and run it using python 9 from an admin command prompt.

Installing Python and BtrievePython on Linux (Ubuntu):

      • Install PIP: Use sudo apt install python3-pip to get PIP, the Python package installer.
      • Open a terminal window as a non-“root” user and export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/actianzen/bin
      • Install BtrievePython: Execute sudo pip install btrievePython, ensuring a ZEN 16.0 client or Engine is present.
      • Verify Installation: Run pip show btrievePython to confirm the installation.
      • Run a Btrieve2 Python Sample: After downloading the sample from the Actian documentation, run the sample with python3 9. 

Visual Guide

The setup process includes several steps that are best followed with visual aids. Here are some key screenshots to help guide you through the setup:

For the Windows setup:

Downloading and setting up Python.

Python Download Site: 

python download site

Command Prompt Operations: Steps to install BtrievePython.

command prompt operations for btrieve

Code snippet:

code snippet btrieve

Verification and Execution: verifying the installation and running the Btrieve2 sample application.

verification and execution btrieve

For the Linux Setup:

Installation Commands: 

Install Python3-pip

install python3 linux btrieve

BtrievePython Setup: BtrievePython installation.

btrieve python setup

Open a terminal window as a non-“root” user and export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/actianzen/bin

BtrievePython Installed

btrieve python installed

Sample Execution: running the Btrieve2 sample app.

sample execution btrieve


This guide has provided a thorough walkthrough on using BtrievePython with Actian Zen to run Btrieve2 Python applications. Whether you’re working on Windows or Linux, these steps will help you set up your environment efficiently and get your applications running smoothly. Actian Zen’s compatibility with multiple platforms ensures that you can manage your data seamlessly, regardless of your operating system.

For further details and visual guides, refer to the Actian Academy and the comprehensive documentation. Happy coding!

The post Getting Started With Actian Zen and BtrievePython appeared first on Actian.

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Author: Johnson Varughese

The Cool Kids Corner: Non-Invasive Data Governance

Hello! I’m Mark Horseman, and welcome to The Cool Kids Corner. This is my monthly check-in to share with you the people and ideas I encounter as a data evangelist with DATAVERSITY. This month we’re talking about Non-Invasive Data Governance (NIDG). If I haven’t already given it away, our featured Cool Kid is none other […]

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Author: Mark Horseman

What Is PMML and Why Is It Important?

You may not be an analytics expert and you may find terms like PMML integration somewhat daunting. But, in reality, the concept is not complex, and the value is outstanding. So, what is PMML integration? PMML stands for “predictive model markup language.” It is an interchange format that provides a method by which analytical applications and […]

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Author: Kartik Patel